BrianInspires Sessions
All sessions are customized for your needs--let's talk!
Making public education—and your leadership—matter in a Kim Kardashian World
In this provocative keynote you’ll discover how to be an education leader who makes a genuine, authentic impact in a world dominated by the false and insincere. From the power of the story, to the art of humility, you will learn how to become the “anti-Kardashian.” Reality TV clips will provide examples and you’ll learn about key strategies for breaking through the clutter and delivering key messages, both internally and externally. Gain an awareness of new vs. old techniques and tools, the power of truth in a social media world of the fake, and find out what will make an impact on a hard-to-reach public. You won’t garner huge TV ratings, but you will be able to deliver the message of public education – and have it heard and remembered!
The Five Things You Should Never Say: The Forbidden Phrases of Great Leaders
The world is full of “how to” books. But this new and provocative session is about the “how not." Each day, in our roles, we say pretty common phrases that actually limit us as school PR professionals, as educators and as leaders. Discover the meaning behind these forbidden phrases. What they truly mean for you, your role, your relationships and your district. Through the lens of the forbidden five, discover new, breakthrough ways to work and to lead. Understand how to change your language, and your actions, to make you not only a more powerful communicator, but also the strong leader public education needs. At the same time, you will unlock your potential to make change happen, have a genuine impact, and feel more personally fulfilled in your daily work. Are you thinking, “well, I’m not a superhero”? Because that’s the first of the phrases!
Public Education Needs the Very best…You: Discover Your Inner Super Hero
In this new and engaging keynote, learn how you are the secret weapon public education needs to survive and to thrive. But that means becoming the very best version of yourself—SuperYou:defender of public schools.
I know, you're thinking, the demands of my role are already high—how do I get it all done without some secret powers? The answer—those powers already exist—in you and every other person who supports schools. Together, let’s explore the super hero already inside each of you—and how to hone and strengthen those skills to be the leader public schools need. Uncover:
-why leading with the heart is not enough
-how making mistakes is worth praise –really!
-the one super hero power you most need –and it’s not super speed
-ways to help when even the good fight is just too much
The Six Critical Conversations You’re Not Having: Being Real in a Fake News World
It seems we now communicate in a world where the person who shouts the loudest and most often is viewed as the one with the facts. Every day, the churn of social media, the short attention span of audiences and the sharp polarizing of opinions makes it harder and harder for schools and school district leaders to genuinely engage with their publics. And sometimes that means breaking down barriers and creating conversations where none exist. In this new and timely session, explore:
-how audiences now determine what is “fact” –and not
-why we need to talk more with those opposed to our work
-the role of traditional media –and there still is one
-why targeting your message is more important than ever
-why sometimes an ally is even better than a friend.
You’ll leave with a fresh, hopeful, perspective on your ability to communicate, connect and engage for public education
Everything I Need to Know I Learned from Reality TV: Putting Relationships Back Into Public Relations
Reality TV is changing reality and the rules of engagement for communicators. And it’s not all bad. This Special Session will show you how to harness the power of lessons learned from reality TV to move your agenda forward and make real change happen in your district. You’ll discover: how the reality TV world has changed our world of school PR; why you need to re-think how you build, maintain and nurture relationships that matter; how the power of relationships is the key to making an impact in your district; and ways to transform the surface-level relationships that predominate society into deep and important connections. Learn specific strategies to work with your most important connections – your superintendent, cabinet and board; how to remain authentic and understand the power – and the very real limits – of social media; how your relationships with media, students, staff and the community need to change in a reality TV world; and why only relationships can move the inclusion agenda forward. There’s no easy way to get the rose, win the immunity challenge or emerge victorious in the battle round, but this session will provoke, inform and build your relationship knowledge and skills so you can be a trusted advisor in your district.
#ALLIN : Get Stirred Up for Inclusion
The recipe for student and school success will inspire and engage you. A great dinner wouldn’t be perfect without everyone at the table. That’s job one with inclusion: using basic ingredients - your skills, abilities and knowledge - mixed with a few surprises, to stir up the inclusion agenda in your district. The result, like many great recipes, is more than the sum of its parts. It is a way to bring real inspiration in your daily work and change the lives of your students.
Be True to Your School : Understanding & Communicating Your District’s Brand
You know what you want from a brand: authenticity, sincerity, and consistency. But how does your district do as a brand? Do people - parents, staff and students - know what you stand for and believe in, besides teaching and learning? In
this timely session, learn how to de ne your brand and be true to it in all you do, from issues management to events to publications to social media and everything in between. Plus, learn how to protect the value of your brand when things go wrong. Be true to your school and you can gain a major competitive advantage - and better serve your publics too.
Do you have them at hello?
Practical tips and powerful strategies to build relationships
How do you answer the phone? How long should my voice mail message be? What do I do with an angry caller? How can I turn a complaint into an opportunity?
All make the top ten list of any frontline staff person. At this lively and fun session, discover the answers to these questions and learn the proven ways to
- Leverage a phone call into a positive experience for you--and the caller
- Why it matters as much how much you treat fellow team members as it does the outside public
- Easy tools to defuse explosive callers
- Why you should ban the word "policy" from your vocabulary
- What the best of the best do to build and maintain customer relationships
- The latest new age etiquette for voice mail and email
You will leave with a toolbox of strategies to make you happier and more effective in your role -- no matter how new or experienced you are.
You’ve Got the Power! Proven PR Tools to Build School District Reputation—And Support Student Success!
It always seems like “they” control our image—but what’s surprising is we each have enormous power to impact how our school and district is viewed. How we chose to use that power matters more than ever. In this fats-paced, practical session, discover
-the proven power frontline staff have to impact reputation
-why truly understanding the needs of your audience is more critically important than ever
-why WOW service should be our daily goal
-and the “secret recipe” for public reputation building that comes from the Power of 3